January 2004

CNN.com – Newest electronics short on simplicity – Jan. 30, 2004 – why interaction design is the future of product design

Shirky: In Praise of Evolvable Systems “The Strength of Weakness”

Futureproofing Myself

Love: the ultimate futureproofing. It’s ambiguous, general, and utterly impossible to apply to real-world, categorized situations. But it’s the only way to truly succeed and be happy, and you can rest assured that if it is applied in every question and decision, it will not fail.

Futureproofing My Work

In my search for truth in all aspects of life, I tend to look for patterns and systems that will allow me to go beyond mere philosophy and actually apply principles to each day. My passion lies not in the creation of statutes, but in the aid of a successful lifestyle.

XML Watch: Desktop XML messaging with Dashboard

XSLT Tutorial

XPath Tutorial

2004: The Turning Point

Beyond the Blog | A Whole Lotta Features – Matt Haughey on doing it all in MT

Syncato, XML Blogging tool