November 2009

Two voices

One of the things that I am becoming aware of more and more is that from the very beginning of my life there have been two voices. one voice saying, “Henri, be sure you make it on your awn, be sure you can do it yourself, be sure you become an independent person. Be sure…more

“So you’d think that, to a first approximation, the Earth is inhabitable by human beings…In fact, to a first approximation, from the perspective of prospective interstellar colonists, the Earth is uninhabitable…Currently, a random meat probe dropped on the Earth’s surface has something like a 15% chance of finding it survivable. But a random sampling over…more

“I distrust the perpetually busy; always have. The frenetic ones spinning in tight little circles like poisoned rats. The slower ones, grinding away their fourscore and ten in righteousness and pain. They are the soul-eaters.” – Mark Slouka.

“The high-speed rail line between L.A. and San Francisco, will take twenty years, assuming there are no delays. In contrast, the first transcontinental railroad took seven. We aren’t going to build our way out of this highly congested world. It’s going to choke us.” – Kazys Varnelis on the collapse of complex societies

“City ideas have to do with a particular moment in time, a scene, a movement, other people’s work, what critics say, or what’s happening in the zeitgeist…The opposite of city ideas are ‘natural ideas’, which account for the big leaps forward and often appear to come from nowhere. These ideas come from nature, solitude, and…more

“Start there with your feet firmly planted and see how it feels. Then take a few small steps until you reach a place that still feels firm, but where nobody else is standing. Then try to make something beautiful with what you see.” – Jonathan Harris

“Portfolio working” – sounds better than “unemployed”, but is eternal independent consulting really the future of work?