Futurism vs fiction

> In science fiction, the imagined world supports the story; in futurism, the story supports the imagined world.

> It’s a simple but crucial difference, and one that too many casual followers of foresight work miss. If a futurist scenario reads like bad science fiction, it’s because it is bad science fiction, in the sense that it’s not offering the narrative arc that most good pieces of literature rely upon. And if the future presented in a science fiction story is weak futurism, that’s not a surprise either — as long as the future history helps to make the story compelling, it’s done its job.

> Futurists and science fiction writers often “talk shop” when they get together — but fundamentally, their jobs are very, very different. – [Jamais Cascio](http://www.openthefuture.com/2014/03/mirror_mirror_–_science_ficti.html)