April 2003

LECTURE: Fred Turner, “From Counterculture to Cyberculture”

I attended a lecture (video, MS Media Player required) by Fred Turner, Professor of Communications at Stanford University. The lecture, titled “From Counterculture to Cyberculture: How The Whole Earth Catalog Brought Us ‘Virtual Community’”, narrated the history of the Whole Earth/The WELL/Wired transition and provided some interesting insights about how physical communities can influence virtual…more

Mozart the Librarian

“Everything has been composed; just not yet written down.” – Mozart, in a letter to his father Brewster Kahle, the founder of the Internet Archive, calls himself a “digital librarian”. In a talk he gave (video available online, a good watch), he spoke of his goal being to collect all the digital content available and…more

Phones in Perspective

From the horse’s mouth on cell phones, the inventor speaks, 30 years hence.