My roomate has a wonderful, conversational method of organizing–he writes notes to himself on Post-Its. Here are my notes from interviewing him about his method: ### Post-Its * Often he puts the notes directly on the things they are related to; or more accurately, on things that will be in a place he can take…more
WORDCOUNT / Tracking the Way We Use Language / – displays all the words in the english language by their common usage…talk about a long tail…
Savannah College of Art & Design – redesigned tax forms; graphing the game of baseball, designing bus schedules, and more, all in an attractive green interface.
Green colors are soothing in webpages
Transport for London Real-time Map – realtime map of the london underground; wish there was something like this for Caltrain!
Wired 12.12: START – land-mine-detecting weeds; sprinkle a field with them and spots with mines turn up a different color–ambient devices, watch out!
murat n konar – awesome, someone else’s timeline interface, to their portfolio this time! Yes! And it works!
mnk::scanjam::concept demo – amazing scanner-created music…the objects on the scanner cause music to play when scanned
mnk::fotosite::about – really easy photo uploader/compressor/folder-maker for website updating
Mohawk Paper’s beautiful environmental summary page