January 2005

Where Emotional Design Fails – design appropriately, not “well”

Greatest Grilled Cheese Sandwich in America Contest

Colour Contrast Check – snook.ca – with a great DHTML slider

Amazing Volvo websites in Flash – like you’re really driving the car, in an apartment, etc–since you’re buying the experience, it makes sense to demo it on the site!

Sortable Table Demo (WebFX) – can sort inputs as well!

Global : Ideas : Bank – Listening with affection and excitement – how to listen well…unconditional attention

Clarke Ching’s I Think Not, Baby Puppy: paradox: people value complex design, rather than simple designs

Albert Einstein – Time Magazine’s Person of the Century “You must be able distinguish between what is true and what is real.”

Malcolm Gladwell talk on video

Surface Magazine – cool ID mag