ThemeXP – Wurp – clean grey theme
Information Gathering as an End in Itself : – awesome, and perhaps the only thing that can bring down Google now…
Mac-esque Dock Example – in javascript for the web! Patent Applications Updated Each Week, RSS, Keyword Monitoring
Slashdot, PeterMe, ideant, and my old dormmate adam mathes on folksonomies, something made easier with tools for and blog posts, imagined locally by Tom Coates, and still criticised by some, including myself | weblog | A fragment of a world full of metadata… – we’re unable to deal with computers helping us reach more than we can grasp; until computers are doing the grasping for us, we’re in trouble.
css Zen Garden: The Beauty in CSS Design – scrolling clouds background
43 Folders: Map Folding: Building a Weekly Plan – he wants upnext…
XML Extras Online Tests – copy and paste for my apps?