January 2005

Spurl.net 1.0 – New spurls – good format for alerts?

Firefox needs a drastic change to beat Internet Explorer | Baekdal.com – having separate mental models for “the internet” and “my stuff” is going to end…on which side? Google and Microsoft are squaring off…

Bob Ryskamp at Business.com – people searching; returns their companies and contact info, if found. Pretty cool AI, like Googling for AI

Jason Fried on Defensive Web Design; video

The Five Points of Calvinism, TULIP

What You’ll Wish You’d Known – amazing stuff on not planning, exceptional people, and more: “I’m not saying there’s no such thing as genius. But if you’re trying to choose between two theories and one gives you an excuse for being lazy, the other one is probably right.”

Computer “Spywear” – what is that, a trenchcoat or something?

Tom Peters, Master of Quotation

Tom Peters may write in an unconventional manner, but it allows him to get ideas across in a remarkably concise fashion, as he does in his This I Believe! manifesto at ChangeThis. He reads a huge amount, and I found some valuable tidbits within for design inspiration: ### Quoted in This I Believe * “The…more

Andy Card, Bush’s Chief of Staff – uses memory techniques to “place” events in locations in the kitchen in his mind…uses little paper, no computer, etc. to keep the POTUS organized.