January 2005

Difference between the male and female brain – Larry Summers is breathing a sigh of relief: “In general, men have approximately 6.5 times the amount of gray matter related to general intelligence than women, and women have nearly 10 times the amount of white matter related to intelligence than men. Gray matter represents information processing…more

collision detection: Can you think better when you’re typing? – of course, neither typing nor handwriting would suffer from cognitive overload if writers would merely think of what they wanted to say BEFORE blathering it out…a casualty in the age of immediacy?

Ranking Tasks Implicitly

I’m interested in systems that rank tasks implicitly; that is, without requiring people to define which one is “most important”, “next most important”, etc. These are the ways I’m currently thinking of: * Urgency * Is this task due soon? * Location * Are you in a good place to do it? * Dependence *…more

Bob Ryskamp Design Portfolio – increase size of pictures, you crazy man!

xkr.us / javascript / escape(), encodeURI(), encodeURIComponent() – they each encode strings differently, important for form submission, especially with XMLhttpRequest submissions

Ta-Da Javascript – including XMLHTTPrequest, writing DOM elements on-the-fly, etc…

Good Experience – Interview: Barry Schwartz, author, “The Paradox of Choice” – “…what if Amazon did a simple experiment of not showing 20 books, but only the top five? You can always click to the next screen and see more. My prediction is that if you reduce the choice set, you increase the number of…more

iSMS 2 – SMS alerts for iCal events; could this be used on a server to alert everyone in a web app system?

Agents and Decisions

I’ve been reading a thesis on Clippy, the Microsoft Office Assistant, written by an ex-freshman dormmate of mine, Luke Swartz (not to be confused with the paper on folksonomies written by another ex-freshman dormmate, Adam Mathes…it was quite the dorm). Luke offers a detailed critique of both Clippy and Microsoft’s agents and of computer agents…more

PRESS RELEASE – RAAM to air on NBC this weekend