BBC – Radio 4 In Our Time – The Mind/Body Problem – audio discussion on Descartes, current mind/body beliefs
A Nation of Faith and Religious Illiterates – “Although Americans are far more religious than Europeans, they know far less about religion…according to a 1997 poll, only one out of three U.S. citizens is able to name the most basic of Christian texts, the four Gospels, and 12% think Noah’s wife was Joan of Arc….more
Marginal Revolution: Who is James Buchanan? -“When all is said, I have faced few genuine choices between work and play because there is really no distinction.”
iStumbler – wifi finder for os x
ATI Developer – amazing screensavers including “animusic”, where virtual instruments play a song…
Digital Web Magazine – Web Design for All the Senses – design for more than just sight!
“Learning is work, work is about learning, and both are social” – John Seely Brown, Fast Company 1/05 p.16
bookofjoe: Stendig Calendar – great designer’s calendar; for my cubicle?
Don Norman’s / books – “Turn Signals are the Facial Expressions of Automobiles” — interesting anti-tech beginning…