Marginal Revolution: Losing status makes you less productive – if you are a high-testosterone individual; “Blessed are the meek”, for they will be better off if they lose status.
What’s the difference between style and design? This computer from Neiman Marcus and Honeywell in 1969. You design an experience; you style an object. The Honeywell computer has great style (well, for 1969), but the design was completely unconsidered. What experience would ever require such an object? The advertisement suggests that a housewife would use…more
bookofjoe: What do pretty faces and can openers have in common? – beautiful “Rosie” can opener
Amazing powered stuff – snow motorcycle, bushpig, powered snowboard, and more…
Powerboard skateboard – up to 15mph!
RedNova News – Can This Black Box See Into the Future? – it records human emotive influence, like studied in coin-tossing experiments Robert Jahn in the late 1970s; perhaps a way prayer works? “But then on September 6, 1997, something quite extraordinary happened: the graph shot upwards, recording a sudden and massive shift in the…more
You know you’re hacking deep when even your errors have errors
UncommonGoods: DIAMOND PAPERWEIGHT – huge! – amazing but true facts, posted daily! (update–ok, there’s no way they’re true…damn it, they even had “gullible” in the URL and it didn’t tip me off!)
Plausible lies and false truths ( – Kottke with another great conversation-starter