April 2005

Paul Yan – Paul’s Egghunt movie is winning awards already…

Metroactive Features | Pierre Omidyar – his new venture to revolutionize philanthropy with a one-to-one approach, like eBay…

IDFuel, the Industrial Design Weblog – amazing story of a man who planted thousands of trees over decades and transformed part of the world. “In order for the character of a human being to reveal truly exceptional qualities, we must have the good fortune to observe its action over a long period of years. If…more

The Onion | Area Man Well-Versed In First Thirds Of Great Literature – just like me!

Bud vase features – Signal vs. Noise (by 37signals) – ‘A “bud vase feature” is functionality outside the core purpose of a product that evokes emotion about the product, and allows the user to express their personality or character in their use of the product.’

Six Apart – ProNet – Firefox to make your life easier – a few extensions…

Experiment with position:fixed – snook.ca – fixed-position comment fields allows you to comment while reading the article…

Creative Quotations from C. P. Snow (1905-1980) – “Technology . . . is a queer thing. It brings you great gifts with one hand, and it stabs you in the back with the other.”

The Onion | Cost Of Living Now Outweighs Benefits