Sex Better Than Money for Happiness – “In fact, the economists calculate that a lasting marriage equates to happiness generated by getting an extra $100,000 each year. Divorce, meanwhile, translates to a happiness depletion of $66,000 annually.”
43 Folders: New habits and useful landmines
Josh Kaufman: Inside My Bald Head: The Personal MBA 40
Design and Communication (Tesugen) – “Baudrillard distinguishes between the technical and the cultural aspects of design. The technical aspects concern form, function, technology, and ergonomics, whereas the cultural concern communication; the relationship between the user and the object; the user
Roald Dahl – how he saw from the perspective of children…literally: “Dahl once said that adults should get down on their knees for a week, in order to remember what it
metacool: On Leadfoot Prius Drivers – “For all the time and money you spend crafting the story behind your offering, your customers are going to write at least a few additional chapters in the book of your brand.
Regular Expression Tutorial – Learn How to Use Regular Expressions
LukeW: Web Application Form Design – nice resource for form standards
How Do Cycling Teams Work? – What Lance Armstrong’s “domestiques” do. By Daniel Engber – good explanation for newbies…
BABC Home Page – cycling around the SF Bay in 210 miles…wow