Quintura – The Way People Search – new websearch, requires a download…
Fossil – frank gehry watch that shows time the way we speak it
Brainstorming rules, software and free training – another priceless piece of interface design…
ParaMind Brainstorming Software — Idea Creation/Creative Writing Technology – “This is a MAJOR piece of crap!”
crabfu steam toys – yes, steam-powered radio-controlled tanks and trains. yes.
UncommonGoods: DIAMOND PAPERWEIGHT – quite a ring…=)
Standpoint / What do you believe? – interesting way to make claims on the web…
Financial Times – Tribal Workers – “The notion that one can do anything is clearly liberating. But life without constraints has also proved a recipe for endless searching, endless questioning of aspirations. It has made this generation obsessed with self-development and determined, for as long as possible, to minimise personal commitments in order to maximise…more
Let the Good Times Roll by Guy Kawasaki: Hindsights – his commencement speech; pretty wild…
Interesting brainstorming software – suggests ideas based on seed keywords…