This Blog Sits at the: Rachael Ray: branding goddess? – Rachel Ray, experience designer: :In the post-Rachael era, a new approach emerges.
The Dilbert Blog: Affirmations – sounds kind of like many explanations for prayer…and anyway it seems like a good way to remember what God has done: “My best guess about what really happens when you use affirmations is that several normal phenomena come together to create what seems abnormal. I Get A Kit – good basic kit for emergencies
Simpsons 02×15 – Simpsons, 02×15 – Dailymotion Share Your Videos – Homer’s car
Tech Talk: Real bikes for real people – Tom Ritchey’s new Project Rwanda stuff
Search For Amazon Prime Items – shows only Prime items!
The Human Factor: Revolutionizing the Way… – Google Book Search – Robert Wright: “Your brain may give birth to any technology, but other brains will decide whether the technology thrives. The number of possible technologies is infinited, and only a few pass this test of affinity with human nature.”