reBlog by Eyebeam R&D – perfect for MakingStuff? “reBlogs are useful to individuals who want to maintain a weblog but prefer curating content to writing original posts. They can also enable organizations to tap the contributions of their employees, members, and communities-at-large in order to easily redistribute relevant content.” Good ol’ Frumin…
We Are What We Do – Do Something – Actions Listings – small things to do to learn a bit more and help out a bit
The Medici Effect : Frans Johansson – game based around the Medici Effect book insights
5 Things to Know About Users – “The user’s intentions, context, knowledge, skills, and experience are the essential things that every designer needs to know.”
John Hodgeman’s Areas of my Expertise audiobook free
Marginal Revolution: The One-Minute Rule – “Most people are neurologically programmed so they cannot truly internalize the scope and import of deeply significant, long run, very good news.
The Six-Word Memoir Contest: presented by SMITH Magazine and Twitter – like WIRED’s six-word novel
Short videos about biology – learn something in 5 min…