How to live on $1 a day. – By Tim Harford – Slate Magazine – “In 1981, 40 percent of the world’s people lived on less than $1 a day, according to Shaohua Chen and Martin Ravallion of the World Bank. The figure plummeted to 21 percent by 2001 and may be as low 15…more
How to live on $1 a day. – By Tim Harford – Slate Magazine – it’s counted differently than I thought…”In other words, a Kenyan farmer might have 50 cents a day to spend but still not count as “very poor” because 50 cents in Kenya buys more than $1 would in the United States….more
At [Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day]( yesterday, a radio reporter was asking kids if they wanted to do an interview with him. Apparently some kids expressed confusion about what radio was. His pitch? “It’s like video, but without the picture. There’s only sound.” I guess for a generation raised entirely on video…more