[Mailbag] Raymond Chen, Pinkberry, Massimo Vignelli, Frank Gehry, etc. – (37signals) – “In the documentary Sketches of Frank Gehry, the architect explains that he creates multiple scales of a model to remember that the model is not the project. He explains that its often too easy to become infatuated with the model itself instead of…more
06 le tour de menlo half century PDF map – Edgewood, Crestview, etc…crazy hills!
Annals of Transport: There and Back Again: Reporting & Essays: The New Yorker – “A commute is a distillation of a life
Freakonomics – Baby Boomers – Aging – Middle Age – Economics – New York Times – “As much as people may love music, most of them apparently don
Church brainstorm ideas – Google Docs & Spreadsheets – random stuff to help spark ideas
Side jobs – Perhaps how Scott Adams quit his job?
The Flying Scotsman – Official Movie Site – Graeme Obree movie playing in SF!
15 Things Kurt Vonnegut Said Better Than Anyone Else Ever Has Or Will | The A.V. Club 1. “I urge you to please notice when you are happy, and exclaim or murmur or think at some point, ‘If this isn’t nice, I don’t know what is.’”
MediaShift . Digging Deeper::’Mr. Magazine’ Believes We’ll Always Crave Ink on Paper | PBS