Just back from Vietnam, wanted to get some thoughts down. Overall, an amazing trip–a bit of adventure, a bit of relaxation, and a lot of food. (You can skip ahead to [our travel photos](http://flickr.com/photos/bobman/sets/72157600757880288/)–and [my pictures of strange things](http://flickr.com/photos/bobman/sets/72157600763136587/)–if you like). We flew into Hanoi with little more planned than our first night’s hotel. This…more
Temple of the Seven Golden Camels: The Secret to Practically Everything (well, duh) – contradicting (or perhaps just extending) Rolf’s “just copy” strategy: “It was pretty evident from that exchange that one key to great life drawing is to use the model for inspiration and capture the essence of the model and the pose while…more
Job holders as servants – “Free enterprise isn’t anything like big-corporate capitalism. We’ve been told the two are equivalent, but that’s just another bit of cultural brainwashing…Job holders by definition aren’t capitalists. Job holders, no matter how well paid they might be, function merely as the servants of capitalists, just as medieval serfs functioned as…more
James Madison on entrepreneurs Well, farmers actually, but the same statements hold – “The class of citizens who provide at once their own food and their own raiment, may be viewed as the most truly independent and happy. They are more: They are the best basis of public liberty, and the strongest bulwark of public…more
Why to Not Not Start a Startup – a good test for whether your company is “big” or not? “If you took a nap in your office in a big company, it would seem unprofessional. But if you’re starting a startup and you fall asleep in the middle of the day, your cofounders will just…more