December 2007

MoMA Store – 3D Drawing Pad – looks like fun

Futuristic movie interfaces would also be good wall-inspiration.

The evolution of Apple product design – worth printing poster-size, I’d say…

Exercising Common Sense – 10 common sense–yet often ignored–parts of transforming a company (or group). Good as a checklist when trying to do so…

Springwise: Ready-to-cook meals delivered to busy urbanites – finally, I’ve been looking for this for years. Now I just have to more to Singapore… – Newspapers From Around the World – interesting service…plus the homepage adjusts to fit your screen resolution. Looks incredible on my 30″ screen…

Cool suspension wheel by Dahon – uses a floating axle to provide 12mm of suspension.

Design by instinct

Trust your instinct, but get a good second opinion. Even if your instinct is correct, a good second opinion will validate that and give you the confidence to follow through on it, instead of second-guessing yourself and abandoning the idea. And of course, if your instinct is wrong, it helps you correct.

“Had Sony targeted consumers in established markets, the pocket radio would have bombed. But for teenagers, the alternative to a Sony pocket radio was no radio at all. By competing against nonconsumption, Sony set a very low technical hurdle for itself: The product just had to be better than nothing in order to find delighted…more

“How’s this for a mission statement: We make crummy products for non-consumers.” – most disruptive innovations start out as poorly-executed products for people who currently aren’t buying anything, writes Clayton Christensen