February 2008

“It’s pretty well accepted that at the point at which the usual human being gets pronounced dead, all their cells are alive. It’s a very eerie question: if all their cells are alive, what is death?” – Lance Becker, director of the Penn Center for Resuscitative Medicine.

“Garbage is useful stuff in the wrong place” – Alex Steffen. Does that make it an information problem?

Nokia remade – phones made entirely from reused/”upcycled” materials, including cans, tires, and bottles.

SuperCook – The Intelligent Recipe Search Engine – enter what you’ve got in the house, it chooses recipes for you.

“Paper is no longer the master copy; the digital version is.” – Brewster Kahle

“This means that a household in which both parents work part-time on their careers and part-time looking after children and the home does not make rational economic sense. Two halves are much less than a whole.” – Tim Harford

Ouch. “The logic of comparative advantage highlighted something that most men–except economists–have found it hard to get their heads around: there is no reason to believe that men were breadwinners because they were any good at it. They might simply have been breadwinners because getting them to help around the house would have been even…more

MAKE: Blog: 7,200 bananas – well, now I know what that looks like.

Kodak Knows a Little About Dying Business Models – could a 1600-page-per-minute printer create custom newspapers and save that industry?

Insane Superhuman French People – 3 amazing videos of dance and acrobatics