March 2008

“Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life.” –

Sample Syllabi: Academic Programs – Syllabi for classes on blending contemplative practice into work and life.

“I believe that an organic and functioning city is nothing more than a machine for producing confrontation with the Other.” – Adam Greenfield, objecting to how technology can create an echo chamber of our own beliefs instead of broadening them.

Notes from Triumph of the Nerds

I’m always interested in documents from past technological revolutions since they echo so strongly in the current ones. [Triumph of the Nerds]( is a great example of this, a film that shows how characters change (except for Steve Jobs) but the script so often stays the same… ### Part 1 Hey, it’s Art Walker, my…more

“When infant eyes absorb a world of virgin visions, colors are processed purely, in a pre-linguistic parts of the brain. As adults, colors are processed in the brain’s language centers, refracted by the concepts we have for them.” – Wired. Basically, how you see color depends on what language(s) you speak.

Cool Tool: Six Great Long-Distance Bike Trails Without Cars – multi-day bike tours entirely on bike paths? Where’d I put my tent…

Six Principles for Making New Things – “I like to find (a) simple solutions (b) to overlooked problems (c) that actually need to be solved, and (d) deliver them as informally as possible, (e) starting with a very crude version 1, then (f) iterating rapidly.” – Paul Graham

From the “didn’t see that coming” department – “In a dramatic about-face, is abandoning its effort to outshine Internet search leader Google Inc. and will instead focus on a narrower market consisting of married women looking for help managing their lives.”

Chemirocha – a song recorded in 1950s Kenya as a tribute to country singer Jimmie Rogers. “Rodgers’ records were the first to be heard in this part of Kenya and the name came to mean anything strange or new. The similarity of his guitar sound to the local lyre meant that a whole legend grew…more

“In order to read many books, buy just a few.” –