Recently I attended a talk at the Haas Business School on “designing for sustainability”. The speakers were from Patagonia, IDEO, and Gap, and each had unique perspectives on how to best design sustainable products. They all agreed on two things, however. The first was that perfect sustainability was a myth. Rick Ridgeway said that “At…more
Experience gifts – all in New York, but good ideas in any case.
“[In fifty years] there won’t be any designers. The designer of the future will be the personal coach, the fitness trainer, the nutritionist. That’s all.” – Philippe Starck. Sounds like the Experience/Transformation Economy to me…
Street Use: One Gate, Multiple Locks – interesting idea; by stringing locks together the ability to open any single lock can open the entire gate.
In my quest for a grand unifying theory of great design, there’s always been one nagging issue that I can’t shake. I call it “the Steve Jobs problem”. The problem is that while every textbook and design studio example of design innovation shows a collaborative, bottom-up process of user research and design iteration, Apple bases…more
May bike trip route, updated
“She walks in beauty, like the night, Of cloudless climes and starry skies; And all that’s best of dark and bright, Meet in her aspect and her eyes” –
edun LIVE: organic t-shirts and blank t-shirts made in sub-Saharan Africa – Bono has a t-shirt company?
Super-offices – “At the rate at which flat screens are expanding while dropping in price, one could put together one of these modern super offices in a few years.” Ah yes…but what would you put on the screen?
Using newspaper page numbers to deliver more information – a fact for every page…nice surprise.