April 2008

“The train was delayed, and for hours I sat there thinking and thinking and thinking…The irony is I almost always have pen and paper; I write all the time. And on this one occasion when I had the idea of my life, I didn’t have a pen. For four hours my head was buzzing.”How J.K….more

Photo Essay: Unlikely Places Where ‘Wired’ Pioneers Had Their Eureka! Moments – where television, Netflix, quantum electrodynamics, and Harry Potter were conceived. Notably, none in a brainstorming session…or even at work.

Tour of Gondwana – Post-Tour Index – pretty amazing stories from an in-progress, 3+ year tour of all the continents originally part of Gondwanaland (South America, Africa, Australia, India, etc)

“In 1994 Jo Ann Ussery found herself in the market for a new home…When she was looking for a mobile home, her brother-in-law Bob Farrow, an air traffic controller at Greenwood Airport, suggested she might look for a retired jetliner.” – And she did. Oh wow, here’s more airplane homes. And they’re offered by a…more

Cool Tool: StrechCordz Short Resistance Training Belt – love it–a bungee cord does a better job than a $20K endless pool

American Originals: Letter from Fidel Castro, as a young student, to President Franklin D. Roosevelt, 1940

Weekend YouTube fun: Pre taped call in show, Orphan game show, and The Audition

Cellphones – Third World and Developing Nations – “As a family’s income grows — from $1 per day to $4, for example — their spending on I.C.T. increases faster than spending in any other category, including health, education and housing…’What people are voting for with their pocketbooks, as soon as they have more money and…more

Clay Shirky at Berkman Center

Just a few notes on Clay Shirky’s [talk at the Berkman Center](http://www.shirky.com/herecomeseverybody/2008/03/book-talk-at-harvards-berkman.html) last month ([David Weinberger’s notes](http://www.hyperorg.com/blogger/2008/02/28/clay-shirkys-book-talk/)): > [With the internet] Freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and freedom of assembly are all the same thing.” – 3:45 Within 3 months of the internet’s birth, email–an afterthought application–accounted for 75% of all traffic. >…more

A House Not for Mere Mortals – New York Times – “Its architecture makes people use their bodies in unexpected ways to maintain equilibrium, and that, she said, will stimulate their immune systems.”