June 2008

Unicycle.com :: Products :: Ultimate Wheel – who needs a seat…or two wheels.

Global Nomadic Expatriates – interesting to read about while trying it out ourselves…

Verterra – plates and bowls made from pressed leaves. Sweet.

And yet: “We are seeing the growth in what could be termed a new aristocracy. Their emphasis on the home and family, on personal fulfillment and the environment are all testament to this new way of thinking.” – Guy Salter, chairman of luxury-brands firm Walpole

I knew it–it’s a trap! “Being wealthy is often a powerful predictor that people spend less time doing pleasurable things and more time doing compulsory things and feeling stressed.” – Daniel Kahneman

SEED 3 Sketchnotes – Much more organized than mine. Larger pullquotes, sketch of each speaker, varying “fonts”. Pretty slick.

Product Design – WSJ.com – Nice in-depth report on the design process

Amron Experimental – cool little design concepts, like a toothbrush+rinse tool and a money clip made from, well, money.

Consulting Wisdom – most apply to other jobs as well

this is a working library – beautiful blog design