June 2008

Incredible photos of the Chaiten Volcano eruption – the electrical storm photos look like a doomsday movie.

Sunset on Mars – somehow this makes it much more real. Big version

Seriously, the dancing prison will become a landmark in world history. Seriously.

The Height Gap – “A survey of some six thousand adolescents in the nineteen-sixties showed that the tallest boys were the first to get dates. The only ones more successful were those who got to choose their own clothes.” Hmm…what if you’re really tall, but still have trouble choosing your own clothes?

Spending on Happiness – “Can money buy you happiness? Yes–so long as you spend the money on someone else.”

An interesting way to measure the value of subjective experiences – for an item costing four times as much as another, “Would you recall, with fondness, the experience of one four times as often as the experience of the other?”

“[Negative numbers] darken the very whole doctrines of the equations and make dark of the things which are in their nature excessively obvious and simple.” – Francis Maseres. I spent so much time learning about negative numbers growing up, and just realized how ridiculous it all was.