October 2008

Halloween contact lenses – way too tempting…

“To see a World in a Grain of Sand; And a Heaven in a Wild Flower; Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand; And Eternity in an hour.” – William Blake, Auguries of Innocence

Notes from 1984

1984 is a favorite of mine; I read it at least once every couple years. I think it’s the questioning nature of Winston that gets me, feeling the same emotions myself on a smaller scale. Interestingly in London this summer, I thought often of 1984. Whether they caused or were caused by the book, elements…more

Always push the bees the way they want to go – Gerald Cooper. As Russell says, about the best advice you’ll hear anywhere.

The U.S. Debt Clock has run out of digits. Ouch.

“Imagine, as a thought experiment, that everyone on the planet had the same share of the world’s resources. It turns out your share is about six acres (2.5 hectares) of dry land. Now imagine if that were your whole world. How would you treat it?” – My little world (and yours, too), an interesting thought…more

Notes from Better Off

This book tells the tale of two successful city-dwellers, Eric and Mary Brende, who choose to live in an Amish-like community for 18 months. It goes pretty much as you’d expect: they struggle to get going but eventually love the lifestyle and decide to keep much of it. One thing the book explored was something…more

WorldChanging: Thriving on Earth ForeverAn interesting quote in the comments: “If plastics will be here for 50,000 years, how are we going to learn to live with 50,000 years of bad design decisions?” I think the assumption is that we won’t have to–that we’ll be extinct by then. But what if we aren’t? What if…more

Nashville pumps dry after panic about rumor of no gas – a self-fulfilling prophecy…these videos of the situation are like a glimpse into the future…

The Temples of Damanhur are an amazing set of underground buildings carved over 30 years, in secret, beneath an utterly unremarkable Italian country home. Wow.