> It’s ok not to have power, provided you don’t act like you have it. What decisions, as a designer, are truly yours? There is probably a small set of decisions you can make without implicit approval of someone else. And if you want more of your ideas to make it out the door, you…more
At [the excellent Franz Gertsch exhibition at the Kunsthaus](http://www.kunsthaus.ch/gertsch/en/gallery.php?id=set1) last weekend, I was impressed by how his paintings were so photo-realistic from a distance, but almost abstract up close. Gertsch works from large projections of photographs, and where the photos get fuzzy, he gets creative. Especially in contrast to the high-concept, low-craft art in other…more
[Peter Langenhahn](http://www.peterlangenhahn.com/content.html) makes [cool photo composites that combine lots of separate moments from a single event](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0HBn7TMWf7k). [Peter Funch has done similar works](http://www.peterfunch.com/index.php?/ongoing/babel-tales/), based around themes of people passing through a place. Before digital cameras were common, I did something like this by cutting up prints and gluing them to boards. Kinda feels like you’re seeing…more
An Italian TV station came to Zurich to see the office and a coworker pulled me in to be interviewed. Check me out at 1:12:
[Prints here](http://2046shop.bigcartel.com/product/quote-1-don-draper).
> See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland. I guess all sorts of design [feel the same way](http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Isaiah+43&version=TNIV).
Notes from [The Pixar Story](http://movies.netflix.com/Movie/The-Pixar-Story/70083532#height1142). > The bigger fear was just, can you find that lightning in a bottle again…you realize you have to actually work now at making yourself as naive as you were in the first round, without any effort. – Andrew Stanton, 48:38 > We learned the important thing is not the…more