October 2011

Oh wow oh wow oh wow

> Steve’s final words, hours earlier, were monosyllables, repeated three times. Before embarking, he’d looked at his sister Patty, then for a long time at his children, then at his life’s partner, Laurene, and then over their shoulders past them. > Steve’s final words were: OH WOW. OH WOW. OH WOW. – [Mona Simpson](http://www.nytimes.com/2011/10/30/opinion/mona-simpsons-eulogy-for-steve-jobs.html?_r=1&pagewanted=all)

Finding vs having

Are you trying to *find* the answer, or are you trying to *have* the answer? Similar statements; vastly different philosophies.

Celebrity brainstorming tips

I think we can learn a lot from [this short documentary on brainstorming](http://news.yahoo.com/decade-difference-concert/video/inside-the-clinton-foundation-celebrity-division-26965922.html): – The difficulty of brainstorming over VC and phone – The need to provide reliable lunch opportunities – The danger of “celebrity” participants – How thinking visually makes your ideas stick – The perils of bringing in previous ideas – That sometimes…more

How you become happy

> Of the 136 children invited to share some of their sets of stickers, two participants stood out for giving away their entire supply. Asked in a videotaped interview why he gave away all his stickers, one child responded: “That’s how you become happy”. [Smart kid](http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052970204450804576623162047263634.html).

All of the above

Design isn’t how it looks OR how it works. It’s how it IS – every decision you make.

Future oriented

> Projects that are future oriented, that despite their political difficulties can be completed only in some distant decade, are continuing reminders that there will be a future. – [Carl Sagan](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3wJYpRJQVbo)