In 2008, Metafilter member aeschenkarnos wrote [a review of the outside world as if it were a video game]( > The physics system is note-perfect (often at the expense of playability), the graphics are beyond comparison, the rendering of objects is absolutely beautiful at any distance, and the player’s ability to interact with objects is…more
I recently started a new job with new brilliant, experienced colleagues, and it’s been difficult to make helpful contributions while I’m still learning about the problems we’re working on. Often when I propose a solution it turns out to be already considered and rejected, hopelessly naïve, or entirely misguided. And when asked for my opinion…more
Robert Wright’s books have oscillated between evolutionary science (The Moral Animal) and religious history (The Evolution of God, Nonzero). His latest book, _Why Buddhism is True_, tries to unify the fields, told through a personal perspective. > For more than two millennia, Buddhism had been studying how the human mind is programmed to react to…more