1.7 million drowned by Hurricane Florence
Horrific no matter what species you’re talking about. A tragic result of factory farming.
Horrific no matter what species you’re talking about. A tragic result of factory farming.
[A fascinating map where country size is scaled by the number of residents](https://ourworldindata.org/world-population-cartogram). What defines a country’s importance? Its GDP; its military, its resources? More than anything, the most important attribute of a country is its people–who are they, where are they, and how many of them are there? Population density will define not only…more
[Fascinating breakdown of exactly how the asteroid that wiped out the dinosaurs hit, and how scientists figured that out](https://www.3quarksdaily.com/3quarksdaily/2017/08/ten-minutes-difference-that-doomed-the-dinosaurs.html). Notably, if the asteroid hit 150 miles away, it wouldn’t have caused gypsum to vaporize in the atmosphere, and most animal life worldwide (including dinosaurs) would have survived. > If the meteorite had arrived ten minutes…more