The curious thing about globalization is that our nice cushy jobs will be spread out across the world. The only option to continue our american dominance is by embracing the next tier on the economic ladder, namely experiences. If we do this, we will ensure our spot at the head of the pecking order for a little while longer.
But is this right? Analyzing economics as a Christian would suggest that it is not. In May, Bob Riley, Governor of Alabama, suggested the biggest tax hike in state history, and did so by citing Christian principles; it was suggested that rich citizens pay notably higher taxes in order to help the poor. This was from a Republican conservative governor, who had previously voted consistently against tax increases while in Congress. The idea was shot down, of course, because we rich folks feel that we deserve every bit of our money, as it was given down to us from God on high (or so our Puritan success ethic tells us).
So do we try to stay ahead of the curve or is it better to accept a more modest place in the world? Most of my well-educated friends speak of a desire, nay, a need to change the world. Can’t really do that from an assembly line.
But if the meaning of life is to create happiness, and happiness is what you make it, and you learn to make it anywhere, and you find that happiness comes mostly from relationships and not success, then is it actually better to be unsuccessful?