July 2004

World’s most powerful pogo stick – bounce 5 feet in the air! At Amazon

Jeff Bezos on Word-of-Mouth Power – “We don’t do any television advertising…We take those funds that might otherwise be used to shout about our service, and put those funds instead into improving the service.”

Family Guy Theme Ringtone

Saft – Safari tab saver!

InfoDesign: Understanding by Design | Profile of Adam Greenfield – “I’m increasingly convinced that helping people make better choices is the single most important thing we can do as designers.”

Finally, a useful color scheme picker – in Flash, recommends hexadecimal codes

COLOR IN MOTION – amazing Flash movie on color theory; very entertaining!

dayatwork.com | BETA – nice design for a schedule-listing page; good idea as well to show what people actually do at work.

Some 180mm Cranksets

blinkx – implicit search working today (PC only)