September 2004

Life Balancing Getting Things Done and Franklin/Covey – a user’s account of using LifeBalance software, with experience in GTD and Covey

Synergy – software that makes all your separate computers act as one; cross-platform. One step closer to your computer following you around.

gladwell dot com / The Ketchup Conundrum – ketchup and designing for individual preferences, universal consistency, and fundamental biological tastes.

Marginal Revolution: Who volunteers the most? – it’s Norwegians, at 52%. U.S. is 22%, Mexico 0.1%. Interesting example of culture influencing contributions to itself.

State of California, Department of Motor Vehicles, Special Interest License Plate Internet Ordering System

1954’s vision of a home computer – with a steering wheel! Gotta be fake…

Agoraphilia – blog of fun logic questions

Undo Default HTML Styles [ACJ’s Weblog] – simple way to strip css; uses * to match all elements.