Using Bluetooth headset with SmartButler – for adapters that already support the headset profile. Getting Your Bluetooth Headset to Work in XP
/ / jacob carpenter . com / Tools / LinkBlog – enabling keyboard buttons for Rhapsody
Logitech Wireless Music System | Uncrate – this is cool…
HRW: Remembering Rwanda: Africa in Conflict, Yesterday and Today: What You Can Do – to prevent future genocide
Wired 13.07: God’s Little Toys – William Gibson on cut-and-paste creation; curatorial culture: “Meaning, ultimately, seemed a matter of adjacent data.”
Bad to the Last Drop – New York Times – why bottled water is bad for the world. Sounds like someone needs to design a reusable solution that works… – all the top movie trailer voices in one car
Pirovano, Stefano Canaglia Nail Clipper for Alessi – cool growling animal nail clipper