IPEVO – cool Skype phone, takes advantage of the fact it knows you have another screen, so it’s more like a remote control…
The World Summit: Eight Ways to Change the World – this with a better UI == howtosavetheworld.info
“Leadership is about details” – Signal vs. Noise (by 37signals) – “Management is about maintaining the status quo. Leadership is about finding the new direction.”
The Lazy Way to Success: Wonderful Quote from Thelonious Monk – “There are no wrong notes on the piano, just better choices.” – Thelonious Monk
Ethnography for business – ” The keys to understanding behavior are the same whether the subject is hunting in the Amazon jungle or shopping on Amazon.com, researchers say…In America, researchers study people in their natural habitat
Bebop Wood Rack | Uncrate – very cool wood holder for fireplaces…like ours!
nihilistic_kid: I just bought a giant-sized Hershey bar for a dollar – being poor in the third world
Whatever: Being Poor – being poor in the U.S.
CVS to launch one-time use video camera for $29.99 – Jun. 6, 2005 – very interesting…i doubt most people would need to even get the video off it…