The New Yorker: The Talk of the Town – Is the 35-hour French work week to blame for the 2005 riots? “There are many explanations for the estimated forty-per-cent unemployment rate in the banlieues that have been the site of recent riots, but part of the problem is that voluntary leisure for some Europeans has…more
Wayfaring Map – Date Night – nice night in SF; also a cool site showing the curator culture…
bookofjoe: zoom Zoom ZOOM – Steve Wozniak: “The Apple philosophy is to continually unveil great surprises to its users”
Live Simple: Radical tactics to reduce the complexity, costs, and clutter of your life – interesting to browse…
Soller Composites – looks like a good source for carbon fiber and epoxy
Civilian Covert Harness Bag | Uncrate – cool unique gear bag
tips.pdf (application/pdf Object) – wallet-sized tips sheet for Google SMS
The Bicycle Forest :: BikeCAD – design your dream bike…upright, recumbent, or more…
WebVisions 2005 | Presentations | Simplicity – why simplicity is important
bookofjoe: Men’s Belly Button Brush %u2014 ‘Developed by NASA’ – labelled “For the Man who has everything”…and navel-gazers…maybe not such a positive gift?