bookofjoe: Larry J. Kolb learns why ‘I don’t know’ is not only the best but the correct answer “If you happened to be asked, ‘Why did Mr. Gandhi go to the restaurant?’, your answer could not be ‘Because he was hungry’ or ‘To eat.’ Your only truthful answer would be, ‘I don’t know.’ Because, even…more
991001; Atlantic Monthly, p. 47 – 57; Beyond the Information Revolution – “This means that the key to maintaining leadership in the economy and the technology that are about to emerge is likely to be the social position of knowledge professionals and social acceptance of their values. For them to remain traditional ’employees’ and be…more
Bill Moyers and Jon Stewart – “You know, one of the things that I do think government counts on is that people are busy. And it’s very difficult to mobilize a busy and relatively affluent country, unless it’s over really crucial– you know, foundational issues…I’m sure what [Bush] would like to do is send 400,000…more
Can CBS Put the Net Into Network? – – “CBS’s new chief Internet strategist now jokes that the Web address for Innertube should be ‘’ CBS, after a year of experimenting with various Web initiatives, says that forcing consumers to come to one site — its own — to view video hasn’t worked. Instead,…more