June 2007

Crushpad wine – specify the settings and label for your wine, they grow it, bottle it, and send it to you. Optionally they’ll also distribute and sell it for you. The foundation for a 4-hour workweek?

Wired 15.04: The See-Through CEO – “Google is not a search engine. Google is a reputation-management system.”

Employee Lounge: Offices that look like living rooms make you happier

Wired 15.03: Snack Attack! – “Radio SASS (Short Attention Span System), an experimental radio protocol currently in development that takes classic tunes and whittles them down to about two minutes.”

‘omg my mom joined facebook!!’ – I heard this from a family counselor as well recently: “Facebook is all about being a reflection of real-world relationships,” she said. “The same thing you

ABC.com: American Inventor – Home Page – back on the air this Wednesday, with George Foreman as a judge!

Tour de Frank Info, Trailers, and Reviews at FilmSpot – “A comedy about competitive bicycling”…awesome

Yay Hooray | brain cell structure same as universe – more support for the universe as giant brain theory?

Psst! from the archives: “There is no multi-tasking. There is only the monkey mind jabbering so fast it seems like multi-tasking.”

Personal History: How I Spent the War: Reporting & Essays: The New Yorker – “After is always before. What we call the present, this fleeting nownownow, is constantly overshadowed by a past now, in such a way that the escape route known as the future can be marched to only in lead-soled shoes.”