[A tiny book](http://www.amazon.com/Technique-Producing-Advertising-Classics-Library/dp/0071410945/ref=ed_oe_p) lent to me by a friend, which can be summarized in far fewer words still. The insights, however, are as strong as any. The book is a 20-minute read, and someone even [typed it out online](http://tech.moosaico.com/docs/getting-ideas/). It’s worth reading for the examples, though most of the content can be summarized as below….more
Tony Blair on his role in world events – Surprisingly humble: “Truthfully, the British prime minister has limited power to affect this. Maybe 80 years ago he did. The only way I affect it is by persuasion. And by giving people a sense of strategy and a plan. No one outside the US president has…more
[Victor Lombardi pointed](http://noisebetweenstations.com/personal/weblogs/?p=2214) to a [research paper on design process](http://oro.open.ac.uk/3271/1/Expertise_Overview.pdf) (PDF) with some interesting findings. Excerpts and notes below. ### Notes Interesting distinction of exploration methods; I’ve found myself using both: > Novice behaviour is usually associated with a ‘depth-first’ approach to problem solving, i.e. sequentially identifying and exploring sub-solutions in depth, whereas the strategies…more
A design company posts their business plan online – Nice philosophy: “So what about people stealing our ideas? Well, the ‘how’ of how we do it isn’t as much of a competitive advantage honestly…It’s just technology, and eventually everyone gets the same stuff anyways. It’s really about people and process.”