Nice: a tape measure with a built-in pencil
Cool Tool: Sleeptracker Pro – “… a wrist watch that monitors your sleep cycle from barely asleep to REM by tracking a succession of small bodily movements.” A watch with value beyond telling the time…
“It’s heavy to drag, this big sack of what you should have done…But Now has arrived and is looking straight at you.” – William Stafford
Wow. “The Acropolis was besieged twice during the Greek War of Independence, once by the Greek and once by the Ottoman forces. During the siege the Greeks were aware of the dilemma and chose to offer the besieged Ottoman forces, which were attempting to melt the lead in the columns to cast bullets, bullets of…more
BBC – Dragons’ Den – people pitching investments to highly entertaining venture capitalists.
GM is making a big bet on electric. Yes, they tried this once before…but never with this much effort. These sink-or-swim turnarounds are fascinating to me…
The Jesus Sutras are scrolls from early (7th century) Chinese Christians. They interpret stories of Jesus in a Chinese Buddhist/Taoist context (e.g. Jesus saves people from karma)…looks fascinating. Here’s an interesting discussion about Christian and Buddhist similarities and conflicts.
“Everything has been created out of sea-mucous, for love arises from the foam” – Lorenz Oken, seen at the Hayward Gallery
High-res Video using Still Photos – this is amazing stuff. “Object removal” near the end makes me think the era of trusting video footage is near its end (still photos, of course, have lost all credibility)
Flying past Saturn – Looks…lonely. (best viewed in Quicktime Player)