September 2008

“Communication always changes society, and society was always organized around communication channels. Two hundred years ago it was mostly rivers. It was sea-lanes and mountain passes. The Internet is another form of communication and commerce. And society organizes around the channels.” – Vinod Khosla

“Around the time that we went public we disclosed in our filing that Beanie Babies accounted for 8 percent of the inventory on the site.” – Pierre Omidyar on eBay

“I made a list of 20 different products that you might sell online. I picked books because books are very unusual in one respect. And that is that there are more items in the book category than there are items in any other category, by far…having a bookstore with universal selection is only possible on…more

The history of the Internet – as told by its inventors. Pretty cool…

The invention of email: “[Ray Tomlinson] said, I need some symbol that separates the name of the recipient from the machine that the guy

“Consequently, whoever he is, that, owing no man any thing, and having food and raiment for himself and his household, together with a sufficiency to carry on his worldly business…seeks a still larger portion on earth; he lives in an open, habitual denial of the Lord that bought him.” – John Wesley lays it down

Avatar is an upcoming 3-D (stereoscopic) film by James Cameron. He describes the process of making it in this interview with Variety. I liked this tidbit: “Small displays will especially benefit from stereo because the small size of the screen can be offset by using Z-depth to stack information…In the future world shown in ‘Avatar,’…more

Why Apple doesn’t do “Concept Products” – a good post and discussion around the wisdom or folly of creating concept designs, especially releasing them publicly. The author’s law: “A commercial company’s ability to innovate is inversely proportional to its proclivity to publicly release conceptual products.”

An interesting perspective for those who deem themselves “experience designers”: “It is important to understand that, for Dewey, no experience has pre-ordained value. Thus, what may be a rewarding experience for one person, could be a detrimental experience for another…The value of the experience is to be judged by the effect that experience has on…more