September 2008

Adam Kimmel presents: Claremont HD on Vimeo – skateboarders bombing down the hill behind my house…which is scary on a *bike*.

San Francisco Twilight Criterium – this Saturday at 8pm, should be cool.

Prototyping 3d objects with balsa wood – basically, cut out thin slices and glue them together. Nice outcome though, and looks more sturdy than foam.

“We are naturally reverent beings, but much of our natural reverence has been torn away from us because we have been born into a world that hurries.” – Macrina Wiederkehr

How to read a movie, by Roger Ebert. Includes a jam-packed paragraph on cinematography and emotion, as well as a description of “reading a movie”, where you pause frequently to discuss a shot or scene as a group.

The Long Now Foundation – Seminars About Long Term Thinking – all of these look tremendously interesting. Off to one on Tuesday evening…

Cool animation of the evolution of the alphabet

Notes from A Brief History of Time

[Let’s start]( at the beginning: these notes are 8 years old. On my European train tour in 2000, I ran out of books to read in Nice, France. At an English-language bookstore there, I found [A Brief History of Time]( and learned about the universe for the next few days. These are the things I…more

Lots of book notes coming

We did some spring cleaning this weekend (yes, I know it’s September) and I’ve got a huge stack of books that I’ve read but never written out [my notes]( for. So brace yourselves, here come the notes.