October 2008

How Paul Krugman works

Insights from [the new Nobel laureate](http://nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/economics/laureates/2008/): 1. Listen to the Gentiles – “Pay attention to what intelligent people are saying, even if they do not have your customs or speak your analytical language.” 2. Question the question – “In general, if people in a field have bogged down on questions that seem very hard, it…more

The ZAP Alias seems similar in approach to the Aptera, but with a shape that seems more palatable today.

Notes from Anathem

Neal Stephenson’s Anathem was inspired by a [Long Now Foundation](http://longnow.org) request for designs of a clock that would measure time for 10,000 years. Stephenson’s idea of a societal, rather than mechanical, system was not chosen, but [did turn into his next book](http://blog.longnow.org/2008/07/21/anathem-and-long-now/). Stephenson cleverly set Anathem in a place that is “not Earth, but a…more

ThinkGeek :: MicroFly Tiny R/C Hovering UFO – looks like way too much fun.

“Thus even though our knowledge is expanding exponentially, our questions are expanding exponentially faster…In fact, it

MamaMikes.com – cool service that allows you to send payments and gifts to anyone in Kenya and Uganda; everything from flowers to cell phone minutes to fuel vouchers. Meant mostly for the African diaspora…

Very slick:

Kevin Kelly’s final statements about what the web will be in 5000 more days: “There is only One machine. The web is its OS.” Sounds really similar to the Islamic Shahada…coincidence? I also like his earlier quote, that “We have to get better at believing the impossible.”

Free University in Internet – despite his grammar woes, this guy has uploaded and organized hundreds of videos on Google to create his own online “university”. Awesome.