Andrew Zuckerman’s Bird book
Incredible photos of birds in a beautiful, elegant site design.
Incredible photos of birds in a beautiful, elegant site design.
“Malcolm Gladwell…suggests that the people with the best stories are those whose jobs involve lots of sitting around with their colleagues; cricketers, for instance, or pilots. I’d suggest its not just the sitting around, its sitting around while half paying attention to something else: the match, the automatic pilot. This leaves enough room for proper…more
“Mission is revealing to others their fundamental beauty, value and importance in the universe, their capacity to love, to grow and to do beautiful things and to meet God.” – Jean Vanier.
“In an interview in 1998 he explained that this choice of only four product platforms made it possible to put the A team on to every one of the products, and do away with B or C team players. Outside the interview he would have referred to the groups as “geniuses” or “bozos” – in…more
“Since the 1950s, reports of major depression have increased tenfold…People are more anxious, trust government and business less, and get divorced more often…There is, though, one group of Americans that is imperturbably sunny: the Amish. Their depression rates are negligibly low relative to the rest of society’s. Their happiness levels are consistently high.” – James…more
[Adam, a mentally handicapped man] taught me that the heart is more important than the mind…Didn’t Thomas Aquinas say that human beings are thinking animals? Well, Adam didn’t think. Adam had a heart, a real human heart. I suddenly realized that what makes a human being human is the heart with which he can give…more