January 2016

Thoughts on a year of Headspace

As I mentioned in [my 2015 wrapup](http://bob.ryskamp.org/brain/?p=5467), this past year I practiced mindfulness meditation with [Headspace](https://www.headspace.com/). I wrapped up another “pack” this morning and thought it would be useful to collect some thoughts on the various approaches I’ve learned and the experience overall. * My main insight was that [training the mind really is like…more

Tricking yourself–for science!

Now that’s scientific rigor! A team studying gravitational waves is [intentionally trying to fool itself](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/speaking-of-science/wp/2016/01/12/why-is-this-famous-physicist-tweeting-rumors-about-gravitational-waves/): > Because gravitational waves are so tiny, and it’s easy to get false positives, the LIGO team includes three individuals capable of injecting false signals to test the group’s ability to weed them out.

On originality

“Don’t try to be original; just try to be good.” – [Paul Rand](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4yOjts0tpco)

2015 – Toward health and happiness

This was a good year for growth in body and soul. Feeling healthy, calm, and ready for adventure! * Enjoyed lots of adventures with the family, including 2 visits by my parents to California, our annual beach trip to Michigan, time in Tahoe, Santa Barbara for Easter and Christmas, and perhaps most importantly time away…more