Everyone gets what they vote for
An interesting idea:
> Thanks to the competitive nature of electoral democracies, many – often most – citizens end up being governed by a party they didn’t vote for. But there is a way to ensure that every single voter is satisfied by the results of an election: simply have each voter governed by the political party he or she picked at the polls. – [Starting over: Ultimate democracy](http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn20297-starting-over-ultimate-democracy.html)
Perhaps not surprisingly, this is proposed by a [Swiss economist](https://docs.google.com/a/google.com/viewer?a=v&q=cache:QKCGWsFOpSQJ:www.econ.uzh.ch/static/wp/econwp038.pdf+&hl=en&pid=bl&srcid=ADGEESi9uuk1qba0bydxKLJw1dq6bmCL3qeIMQYzu6YpzswswgyXs0mkIfOo2bgmwHruPIkwTmGZsrQg4l99popqrREOPsMpvfAi8HS10gthu9LYo1elnpCdvwTj_VySI5xTTIwBx-uB&sig=AHIEtbTSPapnmGL6CJuj4W75bT8hik9tmA). Here in Switzerland, people often choose in which [canton](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cantons_of_Switzerland) to live based on the policies–welfare, health care, law, education and taxation–of that cantonal government. As the federal system is relatively weak, these policies make up the bulk of your government, so choosing where to live is also a political decision. The [Free State Project](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_State_Project) in the United States has similar ambitions, centered around making New Hampshire independent and libertarian. And other “global nomads” we’ve met in our travels mention the policies of their current country as a big reason they’ve moved there. What if, instead, you could live where you like but still choose your policies?
I can’t see how this would accomodate shifting political views, common resources like roads and water supply, and long-term investments (what if you voted against Social Security when you were young but later decided it wasn’t such a bad idea), and it would require a massive amount of oversight and administration (so libertarians wouldn’t really be happy no matter how they voted), but it’s an intriguing concept nonetheless. Perhaps piloting in a single area with mostly individual effects–like health care?–would be a way to start.