Movie Binge Week

Movies I like tend to be released in bunches, a schedule almost certainly determined by the Communists who also make the weather unbearably gorgeous at the same time. Because of the latter, I have yet to see any of this season’s crop.

Well, no more waiting–I declare this official movie week. My girlfriend’s headed out of town, I’m caught up on work, and all my movies are playing near my home. Here’s the tentative schedule:

  1. Tuesday: Napoleon Dynamite–the story of a high school geek who loves taking his bike off “sweet jumps”. I’m hoping to catch the free screening in San Jose (sign up on the website, one in Palo Alto on Wednesday too), where I can get a “sweet t-shirt” as well. Lots of movies, got to save cash where I can.
  2. Wednesday: Saved–while I’ve heard the theology is pretty flawed, I’m always excited to see someone take on overly-complacent Christian culture. “I still don’t think Jesus should be white” “Of course He’s white!”
  3. Thursday: Super-Size Me–I’m a little worried about this one, which my roommate saw and immediately swore off all delicious food. But I’ve wanted to see it for a while now because I think it’s a fantastic performance art piece, along the lines of Stephen Sagmeister, who pulled a similar stunt in his piece Sagmeister on a Binge. If it has an overt political or social message, that’s a bonus–but I just think it’s cool.
  4. Friday: The Corporation–I’m especially interested in this film because of a recent meme I’ve been following–the way corporations are simultaneously becoming more practiced in their financial dealings and also more entrenched in our personal lives. The combination is scary and intriguing.

The schedule will probably slip as I get tired of sitting in dark rooms, but at least I’m getting motivated for this finally. As design goes, you can’t get much more intensive than film–designing for an immersive, 2-hour experience is an incredible feat–and these films are promising to be star efforts.

Join me if you can.

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