Warning, Unfinished Work Ahead!

I’ve got quite a few entries that have sat in the “draft” box long enough; at the same time I’ve wanted to build on their ideas but feel that I can’t until I post the first entries. I know this contradicts my new posting mantra, but I still have trouble sharing unfinished work. The perfect is the enemy of the good, I know…

I think in general it’s good for me to feel this way. My tendency is to give up early on things that are difficult, and when I publish online, I find more incentive in finishing what I’ve started. The new concepts I’m exploring are bigger and more uncharted than others I’ve encountered, however, so I’m taking a long-term view of the process. Doing that allows for intermediate steps to remain “in progress”…

So here come a few unfinished items, hopefully followed by more conclusive articles that build on their ideas. But maybe not…this new stuff is hard for me to understand, reaching from business to philosophy, urban planning and technology; anyone out there reading, feel free to comment and help me out.

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