Usability of Websites for Teenagers (Jakob Nielsen’s Alertbox) – has a great table showing how children, teenagers, and adults respond to various site elements (advertising, graphics, scrolling, reading…
GORGEOUS – hilarious UK ad agency, with exclusive “cat navigation” for their website!
Escape the Sofa – and go exercise!
Stefan Sagmeister: How Good Is Good – can design be “good”? or bad?
Poynter Color Theory – great color study; color theory education
adaptive path ยป downloads for designing the complete user experience – incredible set of documents used in a comprehensive product design–business brief, mental model visualization, persona chart, scenarios, interaction flow, usability testing, etc…
How staff look for documents – “Observation of typical working environments has identified that there (at least) four different situations in which staff look for documents: known-item searching, unknown-item searching, own documents, other people’s documents” Tool For Thought – his weblog on “thinking assistants” that search through his own stuff for similar items; Google Desktop should do a “similar items” like this (does it?): “I have pre-filtered the results by selecting quotes that interest me, and by archiving my own prose. The signal-to-noise ratio is so high because I’ve…more
Wired News: My IPod, My Self – there’s a lot of BS in this article, but I thought this line interesting on the benefits of shuffle mode: “Shuffle mode used to be a gimmick. Now it is the most viable strategy to access information that would otherwise be lost,” he said. “It reduces the complexity…more